Insurance of most types is not static. It is not something you just buy and never have to think about again. When changes happen in your life, insurance needs to be reviewed and auto insurance is not an exception. When your auto insurance renews, you will get a declaration that gives you all the pertinent information about your particular policy. At 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL, we have a team of professionals with years of insurance knowledge and experience ready to give you the service you expect from your local independent insurance agency.
Yearly review
When you get your policy declaration don’t just throw it away or file it away, actually read it. Look at the coverage you have. Check the amount of liability coverage you have and the other coverage as well. Has one of your vehicles outlived its need for comprehensive and collision coverage? Do you have complete glass coverage and towing? What is your deductible? If you have questions, call your insurance agent.
You add a teen driver
When your children start to drive, it may be time to take a good look at the coverage you have and maybe upgrade it.
When you add or remove a vehicle
When you replace a vehicle on your auto insurance policy, you may not want the exact coverage you had on a previous vehicle depending on the age and type of vehicle.
Take a look at your deductible
Before your insurance kicks in, you need to pay a deductible out of pocket. The higher your deductible the lower your premium. If your deductible is $500, you may want to consider raising it to $1000. Especially if you will rarely use your policy, it can end up saving you money to choose the higher deductible.
Contact 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL when you have auto insurance questions and needs.