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Can You Choose Your Pet as Your Life Insurance Beneficiary?

It may be challenging to think about your eventual death, but it’s also important to plan to provide for your family after you pass away. Buying a life insurance policy can help provide funds to help your family pay for your funeral and other expenses. Clients who live in the Jacksonville, FL, area can find assistance choosing a life insurance policy from our team at 925 Partners. We’ve been working with clients like you since 2019.

Can You Choose Your Pet as Your Life Insurance Beneficiary?

For some people, a pet may be their closest thing to a family. However, according to Select Quote, it is not legally permissible to name a pet as your life insurance beneficiary. This ruling is made because pets don’t have the mental capacity to manage money or sign documents involved in receiving money. However, you can take some actions to be sure your pet will be cared for.

Your first step in ensuring your pet will be cared for is to designate a caretaker. You can then name the pet’s caretaker as a beneficiary, including a requirement that the funds be used to care for your pet. You can also create a trust for your pet, which can be administered by your estate attorney or the executor of your estate.

Call Us Today for Your Appointment

No matter who you name as your beneficiary, you’ll have other choices to make about your life insurance policy. If you live near Jacksonville, FL, you’ll find us ready to answer your insurance questions and offer a range of insurance options. Our team at 925 Partners is dedicated to providing excellent customer service to every client. Call us for an appointment today, and we can help you choose the right insurance policy.

Why Young Adults Should Consider Life Insurance Now

Life Insurance for Young Adults: A Smart Investment for the Future

Life insurance may seem like a distant consideration for young adults, but investing in a policy now can offer significant advantages in the long run. One of the most compelling reasons to secure life insurance at a young age is the lower premium rates. Insurers base premiums on risk and younger individuals are generally considered lower risk, allowing for more affordable rates that can remain locked in for years. A trusted insurance advisor, like 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL, can help you navigate your options when considering life insurance.

Beyond affordability, life insurance serves as an essential part of responsible financial planning. By obtaining coverage early, young adults can ensure that their loved ones are financially protected in the event of the unforeseen. For instance, consider Sarah, a 25-year-old who recently purchased a term life insurance policy. With a premium of just $20 a month, she can provide a $500,000 death benefit, securing her family’s financial future should anything happen to her.

Policies can also build cash value over time, which can be borrowed against for future needs, such as buying a home or funding education. At 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL, we specialize in helping young adults understand the importance of life insurance. Our team provides personalized guidance to ensure you find the right policy that fits your lifestyle and budget.

By investing in life insurance now, you’re taking a proactive step towards securing your financial future and protecting the ones you love. Learn more about our services at 925 Partners and take charge of your financial well-being today!

Helping Those You Love Find Peace

The finality of saying goodbye for the last time is a hard pill to swallow for most people. It is also something that all of us, at some point in life, must face. There is, however, another side to these end-of-life stories that is brighter, happier, and that we all cling to when we face these difficult days. Hanging on to that happier side of the story and having plans already made in advance also make these times in our lives easier to deal with. That is also why people in and around the greater Jacksonville, FL, area turn to the caring and professional team at 925 Partners for all their life insurance needs.

Life Insurance to Help Those You Love

No two lives are the same, and that also means that no two end-of-life stories are the same either. We all have different hopes, ideas, and thoughts about our end-of-life plans, and for most of us, that includes doing anything we can to help those we love and care about, as we may one day be forced to leave those we love to deal with the inevitable.

That is also where the beauty and benefits of life insurance play a role, not only in helping with the rising end-of-life expenses today but also in equally meaningful ways. So, when the day comes for your family, your friends, and those you love and care about to say goodbye to you, they can spend less time worrying about funeral expenses and costs and more time finding peace with your departure.

If you are in the Jacksonville, FL, area and are looking for life insurance solutions for you and your family, the experienced and friendly agents at 925 Partners can help. From help with expenses to having the time to say goodbye one last time, contact us for the life insurance you need and deserve today.

Which family members should have life insurance?

The decision concerning which family members need life insurance depends on the circumstances each family faces. Still, there are common reasons why families ensure family members who play different roles. To help work through how life insurance can help support your family in a time of need, contact our 925 Partners team, serving the Jacksonville, FL, area.

Insuring Family Members

Anyone buying life insurance must have an insurable interest (face financial loss or hardship if the individual passes away) and the cooperation of that individual in the insuring process. So, let’s look at the common reasons for insuring various family members.

  • Heads of Household- Life insurance for spouses or others who are a household’s primary breadwinners or caretakers can reduce the financial hardship of their loss. It is also common to insure the heads of household as a means of building during their lifetime or passing on wealth.
  • Minor Children- Most people only use life insurance policies for minor children to cover funerals and similar expenses. Buying life insurance for children with specific health issues can also help ensure their access to life insurance in adulthood.
  • Adult Children and Siblings- Insuring adult children and siblings can be wise when they are active caretakers or financially support aging parents or other family members since their loss could result in additional elder care expenses. Insurance may also be helpful for adult children and siblings with loans or shared interests in businesses or investments that cause hardship upon their passing.

Working with 925 Partners

Given the many reasons for insuring family members’ lives, our 925 Partners team, serving the Jacksonville, FL area, can help you work through these decisions and select the insurance coverage that best meets your needs.

Peace of Mind: Why Life Insurance is Essential for Florida Residents

As residents of Jacksonville, FL, it’s essential to consider what steps we can take to protect our loved ones in the event of the unexpected. One critical way to do this is by investing in life insurance. Life insurance provides peace of mind when you know it will lessen the financial burden on your family if something happens to you.

925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL offers life insurance policies designed to fit different budgets and needs. 

Invest in Your Family’s Future

No one can predict the future, and accidents can happen to anyone. So it’s crucial to have a plan to protect your family and ensure they have the financial support they need. Life insurance can help cover funeral costs, outstanding debts, and mortgage payments. It can also provide a source of income for your loved ones if you pass away.

Your insurance agent can advise you about the pros and cons of term life and whole life insurance. 

Term life insurance policies typically cover policyholders for a set period, typically between 10-30 years. It’s ideal for those who want to care for their loved ones during a specific time frame when their children are young or while they’re paying off a mortgage.

On the other hand, permanent life insurance provides coverage for the rest of your life. It also includes a savings component, which can grow tax-free over time and be used for various purposes, such as paying for college tuition or supplementing retirement income.

Protect Your Loved Ones

Life insurance is an essential investment for Florida residents. Don’t wait until it is too late – protect your loved ones today by investing in life insurance.

Contact 925 Partners for a quote today! 

Three things you shouldn’t assume about life insurance coverage

Purchasing life insurance could be one of the most important things you do to protect the financial security of your family. Being well-informed about life insurance will help you to make the right choices.

At 925 Partners, we are a life insurance provider for consumers in the Jacksonville, FL area. The following are three things you shouldn’t assume about life insurance coverage. 

You can’t afford life insurance.

For many consumers, life insurance is not expensive. The average monthly life insurance premium is around $26 per month. 

Get quotes on life insurance policies before assuming you can’t afford coverage. With a bit of budgeting and planning, you should be able to find a life insurance policy that won’t cause you any financial strain. 

The life insurance coverage you get through your employer is adequate.

Many consumers get some life insurance coverage as part of their benefits package with their employer. However, it’s important to realize that many employer-sponsored policies offer minimal coverage.

You must carefully evaluate your employer-sponsored life insurance coverage before assuming it’s adequate. In many cases, consumers need to invest in added coverage for complete financial security for their families. 

You don’t need life insurance because you’re too young. 

Investing in life insurance is important regardless of how young and healthy you are. Even healthy, young individuals can experience untimely death that puts a financial strain on their families.

Purchase a life insurance policy, so you don’t have to worry about the unexpected. 

Do you have questions about life insurance in Jacksonville, FL? At 925 Partners, we’d like to hear your questions. We’ll come to your assistance and offer you life insurance solutions that protect your family financially. 

Should I Get Term or Permanent Life Insurance?

There are two main types of life insurance: term and permanent. So, which one is right for you? Here’s a look at each.

Term life insurance is just what it sounds like: insurance that lasts for a fixed period, or “term.” It’s typically cheaper than permanent life insurance. It is a good option if you need coverage for a specific period, such as until your children finish college or you retire.

Pros of Term Life Insurance

  • Cheaper: Term insurance tends to be cheaper than permanent life insurance because it covers you for a set period and pays out only if you die during that term.
  • Flexibility: You can often buy term life insurance for 10- or 20-year periods, which makes it ideal if you don’t know how long you need to be insured.

On the other hand, permanent life insurance covers you for your entire lifetime. It’s more expensive than term life insurance, but it also has some valuable perks, such as cash value that grows over time. Here’s a quick look at the differences between term and permanent life insurance, as well as some of the pros of each:

Pros of Permanent Life Insurance

  • Coverage for Your Entire Lifetime: Unlike term insurance, permanent coverage is guaranteed to last as long as you remain insured.
  • Cash Value: If you purchase enough permanent coverage, you can build up a cash value that you can use for retirement or other financial needs.
  • More Investment Options: You can invest some of your permanent coverage’s cash value through its policy, allowing you to earn interest on it.

Term life insurance is cheaper and usually shorter-term, while permanent life insurance has a higher cost and covers you for your entire life. As a result of these factors, term life insurance is best if you know the exact period you need coverage for, while permanent life insurance is ideal if you want coverage until your retirement. Looking for life insurance in Jacksonville, FL? 925 Partners offers a variety of life insurance products that can help you meet your needs.

Life insurance FAQs

One of the most important things you can do for your family is to purchase life insurance.  While you are with them, you are there to support them emotionally and financially. Life insurance extends that care after you are no longer there in person. If you have questions about life insurance, you are not the only one. Having an independent insurance agent who can answer your questions makes purchasing life insurance easier. At 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL, we have a team of professionals who work to provide our clients with personalized service. 

What type of life insurance should I buy?

Basically, there are two types of life insurance; term life, and whole life. Term life insurance is called term because it lasts for a specific number of years. At the end of the term, you may be able to extend your policy, but the rate will go up. Whole life insurance lasts for your entire life and it earns cash value. Term life is less expensive, but once it ends, if your health has deteriorated, you may no longer be able to buy life insurance. Both types have benefitts and negatives. 

How much life insurance do I need?

This is a complex subject that doesn’t have just one answer. How much life insurance you need is particular to your situation and who depends on your wages. It also depends on what your income is. 

Can anyone take out an insurance policy on me?

No, a stranger can not purchase life insurance for you. To purchase life insurance for someone, you must have an insurable interest. 

Can I choose a child as a beneficiary?

You can choose anyone you want as the beneficiary, but be aware that a child will not be able to collect the money until they are of legal age in the state where they live. 

Contact 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL when you need information about life insurance. 

Types of Life Insurance Options

Having a life insurance policy in place will give you peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are taken care of if something happens to you. There are three main types of life insurance coverage you can choose from, including whole life, universal life, and term life insurance. The life insurance agents at 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL understand the importance of life insurance policies and can help you choose the correct option for you.

Whole Life Insurance

A whole life insurance policy has a savings component to guarantee a return rate on cash. Also, the cost is a set amount that does not change from the time of your purchase. With the death benefit, this type of life insurance policy is guaranteed to last throughout your whole life.

Universal Life Insurance

A universal life insurance policy is very similar to a term life insurance policy, but it has a savings component associated with it. You pay a premium to keep the death benefit in place until you die or cancel your policy. While the savings part of this policy draws interest, which is a good thing, the premium amount goes up as you age.

Term Life Insurance

With a term life insurance policy, you will pay a certain amount of a premium throughout the level that you choose. For example, you can sign up for a policy that lasts 10 years, 20, or 30. At the end of the term, most insurance companies will let you renew your policy but at a much higher rate than the premium cost.

No matter which type of life insurance policy you choose, the life insurance agents at 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL can assist you with your policy and provide you and your loved ones with the security you deserve. Call for an appointment and quote today!

Life events that require you to rethink your life insurance

Life insurance is one of the most important things people do to protect their loved ones. Nobody likes to think about their death, but if you do pass away, life insurance will take care of those you love. Life insurance needs to change over your lifetime, and some events require you to reassess the amount and type you have. Your insurance agent can help you out, and in Jacksonville, FL, 925 Partners is the one to call to make sure your life insurance meets all your needs. 

Buying life insurance for yourself should begin when you get your first job. Your employer may provide some life insurance, but you should also get some yourself, so you never lose your coverage if you change jobs. The next life event requiring a rethink of your life insurance is the purchase of a home. If you have a mortgage, you don’t want to leave your family holding the bag. Having enough life insurance to cover your mortgage will take care of that. 

Getting married is a significant life event, and part of your role in a marriage is to be sure your partner is always provided for. This goes for either partner, and making sure the name of the beneficiary on your policy is changed is also important. 

When you welcome a child into your family, you start to think about the future. That future may include college for this child, and life insurance can help you to plan for that major financial event. 

As you get ready to retire and look to your golden years, it is time to reevaluate what part your life insurance plays in your retirement. 

Many life events happen and result in changes to your life insurance. 925 Partners in Jacksonville, FL will help you to determine the best way to make your life insurance work for you. Give us a call or stop by the office for a quote. 

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